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Henry Youth Lacrosse

Practice and Game FAQs

When and Where Are Practices?

All practices for the Spring 2024 season will take place at J.P. Moseley Park. Our lacrosse teams or groups practice on the grass football fields (fields #1 and #2). Practice days and times vary by team. Our boy’s and girl’s lacrosse teams typically practice on two weeknights from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Our Little Laxers (K-1st group) will practice on two weeknights from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. While practice nights are TBD (coaches will contact parents by mid-January with additional details on practice schedule), we will NOT practice on Wednesday nights. Practice start dates will vary by group, but typically start the 3rd week of January and continue until the 1st week of May. There are no official practices during school breaks, though coaches may offer optional practices during these weeks for players who are interested/available. 

When and Where Are Games?

Our Boy’s and Girl’s lacrosse teams (grades 2-8) play in the Newtown Parks & Recreation League (a league of recreational lacrosse programs from around the Metro Atlanta Area). The league creates the schedule in early January and typically provides the schedule to us the last week of January. The schedule will vary by team, though games are typically scheduled for Saturday morning or early afternoon. On some occasions, games may be scheduled for Sunday afternoons depending on field and officials availability. Due to the location of the programs we play, we will have more away than home games, though typically get to host 1-2 weekends per-team. Games are typically scheduled in a “jamboree” format – where we will play two opponents per-location on game weekends. There is typically a gap in the schedule some weeks due to school breaks being different across each county. As soon as the schedule is available, we will share with our parents/players (see below). No games will be scheduled during school breaks.

Where Is The Practice and Game Schedule?

We use the FREE GameChanger App for all practice/game schedules, team rosters, and parent-coach communication during the season. Once your player is assigned to a team, you will receive an invitation to join the team via GameChanger. You will initially be added to the GameChanger app via the email you registered with, but will have the ability to add additional player contacts in the app once you sign up. Coaches will add all practices, games, or other team activities to the schedule. Parents are required to RSVP for all practices and games so coaches can plan accordingly. The GameChanger app is also available for download at Once you are setup with the app, feel free to reach out to your coaches with any additional questions you may have regarding the practice/game schedule for your team. 

Is Travel Required for Games?

Many of our games for our boy’s and girl’s teams (grades 2-8) are away. We frequently travel to the Peachtree City, Marietta, Decatur, and other areas around the Greater Metro Atlanta area for games. We are sometimes fortunate to host games – which will either be at J.P. Moseley or at Union Grove High School (which will be indicated on the team schedule). We realize that players may not be able to attend all games due to schedule conflicts or travel requirements. All we ask is that you RSVP to let coaches know whether or not your player will be on the active roster for each game. We do schedule 8-10 games for the spring season assuming that players may miss 1-2 games. 

What Is Your Policy On Playing Time?

As a recreational lacrosse program, our goal is for all players to get equal attention and opportunities to participate in both practices and games. All players who are regularly attending practices will get equal playing time in games. The only times players will not get equal playing time is when they have missed excessive practices (unexcused) or there is some disciplinary action required (e.g. behavioral issues, unsportsmanlike conduct, etc.). In most cases, you should expect your player to be an equal participant in all practices and games. If you ever have questions or concerns regarding playing time, please ask to speak with coach(es) outside of practice/in private. Thank you!

What Is Your Policy On Weather for Practices or Games?

In the event of excessive rain or dangerous weather (e.g. lightning, heat, etc.), practices may be canceled or delayed. Any weather-related schedule changes will be communicated via the GameChanger app – typically one hour or more in advance of the scheduled event. In the event a game is canceled or postponed due to weather, parents will be notified as early as possible on game day – typically before parents would be scheduled to leave our area to travel to the game. Gameday schedule changes or last-minute field-related messages will be sent via the GameChanger app. We may play some games in rain (provided there is no lightning in the area) – especially when we are scheduled to practice or play on a turf field. For grass fields, including our practice fields, it is more common to have cancellations or rescheduled practices/games. We will update parents and/or update the schedule in GameChanger as necessary over the course of the season. 

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About Henry Youth Lacrosse

Henry Youth Lacrosse is dedicated to growing boys and girls lacrosse participation in Henry County, Georgia. Our mission is to help children in our communities discover, learn, and enjoy the sport of lacrosse while honoring and preserving the traditions of the game. HYL helps introduce the game to children in K-8th Grade, and regardless of age, grade, means, ability, or experience, helps those children develop their skills and reach their full potential on and off the field.